Making shareholding structures transparent

And unlocking value by identifying who controls what and by how much.

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Data on shareholdings has become increasingly available since the 2008 crisis but it is seldom analyzed because control is a complex concept and hard to measure

Harness the full potential of the information available.

Shareholding structures are often underutilized due to their intricacy. With our in-house algorithm, proprietary database, and proven methodologies, we leverage our expertise and AI to simplify these complexities, delivering clear and actionable insights.

ZENO-Indices offers to its clients user-friendly tools:

Displaying shareholding interlinkages , measuring the control that Ultimate Controlling Owners (the influential shareholders, not just UBOs) can exercise, and pinpointing the channels through which control flows.

Rating shareholding structures and linking them to financial and non-financial indicators.

Linking the Ultimate Controlling Owners to directors or administrators.

Asset Management

Leverage deep insights into shareholding structures to deliver superior risk-adjusted performance and create unique advantages for your funds.

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Mergers & Acquisitions

Evaluate the optimal influence you can achieve with minimal capital investment, optimizing the cash-control balance.

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Business Intelligence

Gain comprehensive insights into industry dominance and assess potential reputational risks.

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